Scripture for Food Temptation & Shame

Recently I was reading in Matthew about when Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness & I had a revelation that the method Jesus used is the same method that I teach women to use when I do nutrition coaching. It boils down to scripture & the power of the Holy Spirit to combat Satan & his temptations.

To be clear, the temptation of Jesus was not only about food, but it was about the temptation to give in to physical comfort, pride, our identity as God’s children & the ability to remember God’s truth in our hard.

For those of us who have ever dealt with or currently deal with some form of food bondage that could range anywhere from emotional eating, binge eating, food cravings, nighttime over-snacking, or secret eating, remembering God’s truth in the middle of those moments will require us to have weapons for our war.

Matthew 4 specifically shows us that Jesus was following the leading of the Holy Spirit & in doing so, the devil came to Him to tempt Him. And with every temptation, Jesus fought off the devil with scripture! When you read the story of Jesus’ temptation, you realize He so kindly went through this experience so that we would have the foundation of how to fight off Satan as well. Remembering that Satan is the tempter, but Jesus is the one who provides our way out, helps us rightly place our focus on our situation.

This is what I teach my clients, SCRIPTURE WORKS. God’s word is not only for the salvation we need to go to heaven someday but also for us to overcome & experience abundant life today, even in food & nutrition.

So here are some scriptures you can use in your journey to find food freedom.

When you are faced with food temptation, remember that because of Christ:

You have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16)
You are led by God (Isaiah 48:17)
You have access to a God who understands you (Hebrews 4:15-16)
You have been given a way out of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13)
You can do all things through Christ, who is your strength (Philippians 4:13)
You have power through faith in Christ (Matthew 17:20)
You are satisfied in Christ (John 6:35)

 When you feel guilt, shame, or condemnation because of food choices, remember that because of Christ:

You are completely forgiven (Colossians 1:13-14)
You are redeemed (Isaiah 44:22)
You are reconciled to God (Romans 5:11)
You are not condemned by God (Romans 8:1)
You are righteous through Christ (Romans 5:19)
You are free because the Spirit of the Lord lives in you (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)
You are covered by the grace of Jesus (2 Corinthians 12:9)

 If you need more help, email me today!