Creating a Mantra (Meditation) for Your Health

The word mantra may be new to you or seem like a weird mystic thing. But a mantra is simply a phrase that guides you like a meditation. It is born from a desire to move forward in a goal or a way of life.

Typically, a mantra involves the repetition of a particular phrase or word as a part of a meditation. A mantra, or a meditation, both involve frequently repeating a phrase & thinking about that phrase.

This can be done with scripture, which is always truth, but it can also be done with a statement that you write for yourself which defines the direction you are going or want to go in life & is based on the truth of what God says about you.

Things that should be included in your mantra are a declaration of your identity, a release of control, an invitation for the peace & presence of God in your health, and a statement about your desire for the outcome of your actions.

An example of a mantra about your health would be something like:

I am a beloved daughter of God. I know I have the power of the Spirit to have self-control in the area of food & strength to make choices that are beneficial to my health. I will invite the Holy Spirit on this journey with me to empower me. I know that my choices will lead to a healthier version of myself so that I can love & serve others in my life.

To help guide you in writing your own mantra or meditation, here are 4 questions to answer:

1.     What do I believe my identity is under the Father?

2.     Where am I holding on to control that I need to release to God?

3.     How can I invite the peace & presence of God into my health?

4.     What do I want my end result to be?

Once you have answered these 4 questions, you can combine them into one complete statement that can be a guiding mantra/meditation for you.

Reading & speaking your own personal statement audibly several times a day will help ingrain it into your heart & mind, thereby making it easier to keep walking the direction you want to go.