How to stay on track with healthy eating when life gets busy

Let’s face it. The busyness of life can get in the way of a lot of things, but the easiest thing to get derailed when life gets crazy is eating healthy.

Why is it that the one thing we need the most to give us sustained energy for our busy life, is the first thing we put on the back burner (no pun intended)?

When I coach my nutrition clients, there are several things I see over & over that derail people’s best intentions for healthy eating when life gets busy. I believe taking the time to notice these things, will be the way to stop the roadblocks that seem to detour your healthy eating plans. 

First, many people only make a mental plan of how they want their nutrition to look. As great as it may seem to make goals in your head, if they are not written down, those goals are just less likely to succeed. So, take some time to write down what you want out of healthy eating. Is it to keep insulin levels in a normal range? Is it to have enough energy to play with your kids at the end of the day? Or maybe it is simply because you know how good you feel when you are eating whole foods as most of your diet. 

Second, many people simply try to eat healthy because it’s on their “I should do this” list. If you are not rock solid on the reason why you want to eat healthy, it will be super easy to choose unhealthy foods when life gets busy. But when you know your why, your how becomes a whole lot easier.  

Lastly, time management can be one of the biggest issues when it comes to “having time” to eat healthy. If you are already overwhelmed with life, it is going to be much harder to make choices about nutrient rich foods & much easier to choose pre-made, pre-packaged & convenience foods. Honestly evaluating your schedule may help you realize you actually do have some time at the beginning of the week to meal prep or that there is enough time each evening to make a 30-minute meal that is full of quality nutrition. 

If you struggle in any of these areas, CONTACT ME & let me help you figure out a plan to get your nutrition back on track even in the middle of a busy life!

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